LD26 Democrats endorsed the upcoming renewal of the South Kitsap Fire and Rescue Levy. Please, return your ballot marked Yes!
This proposed levy renewal is the opportunity for SKFR to restore the taxation lid back to the allowable cap of $1.50 per $1000 of assessed valuation (AV). It will generate the revenue needed to hire firefighters and re-staff two of the fire stations that were unstaffed in 2014.
We have the least number of firefighters per 1000 citizens compared to our surrounding jurisdictions. Let’s get back to full staffing!
Services provided by SKFR include, but are not limited to, all types of natural and human-made emergencies including fire responses, ALS and BLS emergency-medical services and transports, rescue events, hazardous conditions, emergent and non-emergent service calls, company inspections, fire investigations, code enforcement, and public education and information.
The fire district receives no ongoing county, state and federal funding. The majority of the SKFR budget comes from two, separate tax levies from local property taxes. This measure is one of the two.