Special Meeting Tonight!


* Notice of Special Meeting*

January 29, 2018

Givens Community Center
1026 Sidney Ave
Port Orchard 98366

6 PM



Per the 2018 Washington State Democrats Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plan , the 26th Legislative Democrats are tasked with electing one representative each for the following Washington State Democrats State Convention Committees: Credentials, Platform and Rules. (Information on each committee is listed below).

The Washington State Democrats State Convention will be held on June 16-17, 2018 in Wenatchee WA (Location: To be determined)

Although any 26th LD Democrat can be nominated for one of these committee positions, only elected and appointed Precinct Committee Officers are eligible to vote in this election. Our chair, state committee man and state committee woman are not eligible to be nominated for these positions as they are designated as automatic delegates to the Washington State Democrats State Convention.

WSDCC Convention Credentials Committee

WSDCC Convention Platform Committee

WSDCC Convention Rules Committee

Nominees should be individuals committed to the Party and Democratic Values and be members in good standing of their local appointing organization. These are important leadership positions demanding a great deal of time, dedication and ability to work well with others in small and large group settings. It is expected that appointees will adhere to the WSDCC Code of Conduct.
RSVP to LD Caucus Chair Johanna Baxter
RSVP on Facebook for our special meeting!

Don’t forget we have our regular general meeting on Thursday, February 1 (6:30 PM for our dinner/social, 7 PM for our meeting) at Givens Center, 1026 Sidney Avenue, Port Orchard 98366. We’ll be hearing from Leslie Rothbaum on the Kitsap County Democrats Annual Dinner and Auction, Pierce County Councilperson Derek Young on Senate Bill 6091, signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee on Jan. 19 (Hirst Decision-rural water rights). Joy Vartanian and Don Bartley, our State Committee people, will give us the latest information from the Washington State Democrats Central Committee meeting held in Bellingham, WA this last weekend. More information on our upcoming LD caucus will be shared and we will have an open question and answer session. See you at our February General Meeting this Thursday!

** The LD 26 Caucus is Coming!

Our caucus will be held on Saturday, March 24th at 10 AM (Peninsula High School/Commons Area, Gig Harbor, WA) Don’t miss our 26th LD Democrats monthly meeting on Thursday February 1, 2018 (7 PM/ Givens Community Center, 1026 Sidney Ave, Port Orchard) as we’ll be sharing the latest information about this event!

Important Upcoming Dates

March 24, 2018 10 AM LD 26 Caucus
(Tenative Location: Peninsula High School, Purdy WA)

April 22, 2018 1 PM Pierce County Convention (Location: TBD)

June 16-17 2018 Washington State Democrats
(Wenatchee, WA) State Convention