COVID-19 Please Stay Safe
Legislative District 26 Democrats express our heartfelt concern for our community during this challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic. We salute all of those on the front line: from healthcare workers to grocery store clerks. We are observing the stay-at-home directive from Governor Inslee by making all of our meetings virtual. In addition, we have canceled our Bridge To Bridge Dinner Auction and delayed the opening of our Gig Harbor Campaign Office. Please stay safe, we will get through this together. - Luellen Lucid, Chair, LD 26 Democrats.
26th LD General Meeting: VIRTUAL
Meeting links/codes will be emailed to those who RSVP each month. Please make sure you are on our mailing list. Join here.
DATE: First Thursday of Each Month
LOCATION: Virtual.
START TIME: Meeting called to order – 6:30 PM