Elections for the position of Secretary for the 26th LD Democrats will be held during our regular March meeting, Thursday March 1st, 2018 at 7 PM. Location for this meeting is Givens Community Center, 1026 Sidney Ave, Port Orchard 98366.
Ten (10) members attending a duly called and noticed special meeting shall constitute a quorum. Members eligible for this vote are elected and appointed Precinct Committee Officers. Proxies and absentee votes are never permitted per our bylaws.
Candidates may be self nominated. Nominating and seconding speeches are permitted. If there are more than two candidates for a position and no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the name of the person with the fewest votes shall be deleted and a vote taken on the remaining candidates until one candidate has a majority.
The Secretary will finish out the current term for this position which will expire in December of 2018.
The secretary is responsible for preparing the agenda for each monthly or other official meeting, coordinating such with the Chair and Executive Board. They will also keep minutes and records of the organization, including minutes of general, special and Executive Board meetings.
Eligible members for this vote are strongly encouraged to attend our March meeting on Thursday, March 1, 2018 at 7 PM at Givens Community Center, 1026 Sidney Ave, Port Orchard 98366. For more information or questions, please contact John Kelly, 26th LD Democrats Chair at johnpatkelly@aol.com.