At the General Membership meeting on January 4th, a motion was adopted to hold a General Membership vote on endorsements at our March General Meeting on March 7th. This would include the WA Attorney General Candidates (Manka Dhingra and Nick Brown), 6th Congressional District Representative candidates (Hilary Franz and Emily Randall), 26th Legislative District State Representative candidate Adison Richards, and Pierce County Executive candidate (Ryan Mello).
As these are early endorsements (done before the close of the filing date) we are providing this announcement to ensure membership and potential candidates are aware of the timeline.
Therefore, endorsement questionnaires from candidates for these offices are due by 31 January 2024.
Note: The Executive Board will make its recommendation to the members at the March meeting. It may consist of “Endorse” (only one candidate for any one office may receive endorsement), “Approve” (multiple candidates may receive approval), or “No Action” and postpone the decision. Each office will be considered separately.