Call to Membership Meeting–Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

The 26th LD Democrats monthly membership meeting will be held Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at Givens Community Center. The center is located at 1026 Sidney Avenue in Port Orchard. For our March meeting, we’re starting our social hour at 6:00 pm. The meeting will start at 7 pm. Meetings take place in the Kitsap Room at Givens Community Center in Port Orchard (address is 1026 Sidney Avenue,
Port Orchard, WA 98366).

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For this month’s meeting we will be discussing “Why I Am A Democrat”. We will also be listening to presentations from guest speakers.

We’re going to have a gathering after our membership meeting at Everybody’s American Cookhouse & Sports Theater
at 4215 SE Mile Hill DR in Port Orchard. This is a casual gathering of our friends and family and we’d love to see you there!

Starting with our April meeting, the day will change from Tuesday to Thursday, with the same hours 6 PM for social hour, 7 pm for our meeting to begin.

For additional information please contact [@encode@ email=”” display=”Carl Olson”], chair of the 26th LD Democrats.