Become A Precinct Committee Officer

Dear Johanna and other 26th LD Democrats,

There is a great opportunity coming up for you to get involved with Democrats in your area and make a real difference in your community.

Run to become a precinct committee officer, the Democratic representative for your precinct!

Precinct committee officers (PCOs) ,are elected officials of the Party. In contested precincts, candidates for PCO appear on the Primary ballot and are elected by voters in their precinct.

PCOs play an important role in electing Democrats. It’s their job to get to know their neighbors, educate undecided or swing voters, and make sure Democrats are registered to vote. Before Election Day, they work to turn out voters.

All this hard work adds up to precinct-by-precinct victories and the election of Democratic candidates. This is what grassroots politics is all about!

PCOs are also a central part of every local Democratic organization. Becoming active with your local Democratic organization will make you a more effective PCO. They elect leadership for every organization and help fill vacancies in other elected offices.

Running for election as a PCO is easy. Just submit a Declaration of Candidacy to your Kitsap or Pierce County Auditor between May 12th and May 16th.

There are two ways to submit a Declaration of Candidacy:

Click here to find the website of your County Auditor. Visit the website of your County Auditor and fill out a Declaration of Candidacy form online, where available.

Click here to download a Declaration of Candidacy form. If you can’t fill out a form online, you can download this form and mail it to your County Auditor.

Become a PCO – Join us as we work to elect Democrats in precincts across the state!


Greg Haffner
Party Affairs Manager
Washington State Democrats

Washington State Democratic Central Committee
615 Second Ave., Seattle, WA 98104 – (206) 583-0664 –
Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate’s committee