When: Thursday, February 1, 2018
Where: Givens Community Center, 1026 Sidney Ave, Port Orchard WA
Time: 6:30 PM dinner/social, 7 PM Meeting called to order
Join us for the February 2018 general meeting of the 26th LD Democrats! We will hear from Leslie Rothbaum who will tell us about the upcoming Kitsap County Democrats Annual Dinner and Auction, Pierce County Council Member Derek Young who will tell us about Senate Bill 6091, signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee on Jan. 19 (Hirst Decision-rural water wells, rights). Then we’ll hear from our State Committee People Joy Vartanian and Don Bartley who will share news and information from the Washington State Democrats Central Committee held this last weekend in Bellingham WA. Our LD Caucus Chair Johanna Baxter will let us know about our upcoming caucus on Saturday March 24th and answer all questions about the caucus/convention process. See you there!