News From 26th District Democrats

At their Tuesday, February 4th meeting, the 26th Legislative District Democrats elected Carl Olson to serve as Chair for the balance of 2014. A retired teacher, Carl has been a Port Orchard resident since 1974 and previously served as Chair of the Kitsap County Democrats from 2007 – 2011.

Newly installed chair Carl Olson, photo by Hugh McMillan

Other business included hearing an update on the status of public school funding from past South Kitsap Education Association president, Judy Arbogast. Ms. Arbogast provided a status report as to how the WA State Legislature is progressing in meeting the strict school funding timetable which was part of the state supreme court’s McCLeary Decision which found the state guilty of not meeting our constitutional obligation regarding public school funding. In other business, the body overwhelmingly passed a resolution regarding minimum wage and conditions of employment and opposition to Senate Bill 6307 which, if made law, would prohibit local jurisdictions from enacting laws effecting any conditions of employment within their boundaries. The group also heard an update on plans underway to prepare for important upcoming election races. The 26th Legislative District Democrats currently meet on the first Tuesday of the month beginning at 7pm at the Givens Community Center on Sidney Ave. in Port Orchard and all interested are invited to attend.

Chair Carl Olsen & Vice-Chair Tony Otto, photo by Hugh McMillan