26th LD Democrats Upcoming Dates & Information

Come to our September membership meeting! We meet on Thursday, September 3rd at the Givens Community Center, Kitsap Room, 1026 Sidney Road, Port Orchard from 7 to 9 p.m.  Meetings are preceded by a social time starting at 6:30.  Our social hour this month will feature sandwiches, cake and a beverage for a suggested donation of $5.  See you there!

The Bremerton Blackberry Festival is coming up and we still need volunteers for our booth. Dates open are Saturday September 5th, Sunday September 6th and Monday September 7th.  We’re working hard to get out the vote, pass out petitions for important initiatives and meeting and greeting festivalgoers.  If interested, contact Don Bartley at 360-710-8910 or don.bartley@gmail.com.