2014 Pierce County Democratic Convention and LD Caucus

All Democrats of Pierce County are Called to the 2014 Pierce County Democrats Convention.
This is truly Grass Roots Politics, where your voice is heard.

Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014
Location: IBEW Hall
          3049 S. 36th Street
          Tacoma, 98409

Time:   Doors open 9:30 am   Registration 10:00    Call to Order 10:45

Who may attend? All Pierce County residents, considering themselves to be Democrats are urged to attend and participate.

The purpose of this convention, we will be considering resolutions and the 2014 Pierce Co. Democrats Platform.
There will also be 2 Legislative Districts ( 27th LD and the Pierce Co portion of the 26th LD) holding their Caucuses during the convention, to elect Delegates and Alternates to the 2014 Washington State Convention, June 21, 2014, held in Spokane, Wa.

Who can vote? At the County Convention an individual must be a resident, registered voter in Pierce County and sign a registration sheet stating that he/she is a Democrat, and agrees to public display of her/his attendance at the meeting. Registered voters includes all registered voters and any 17 year old who will be eligible to vote on November 4, 2014. Registered voters also includes any individuals who complete a voter registration form while signing in to attend the County. Individuals who are not qualified to register to vote because of residence or citizenship shall be allowed to participate in the platform discussion, but may not vote on resolutions or for the election of delegates or alternates, nor may they be elected as delegates or alternates.

Contact: [@encode@ email=”chair@piercecountydems.org” display=”Jeannie Mitchell”] , Chair ~ Pierce County Democrats